by Brooklyn Bridge Park on Dec 6, 2013
Most of the BBP office staff rarely has the opportunity to step away from their desks and enjoy the park during office hours. But with the extensive amount of planting that took place this fall, every helping hand was needed.
Recently, BBP gardener Chet Schmitt organized an office planting day. “I wanted everyone to have an opportunity to get outside and experience putting something in the ground, and also work alongside other members of the organization they don’t normally work with,” explained Chet.
After Hurricane Sandy damaged plants in Pier 1’s entrance beds, BBP redesigned them with more resilient plant material- from trees, to shrubs, to ground covers. Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum muticum), an aggressively spreading perennial, was planted to replace the old ground cover. The new plant is able to withstand the many perils of urban park life, and is one of the most attractive plants for pollinators. In addition, the strong smell of the mint will deter rodents from park beds and food concessions.
BBP volunteers were happy to get their hands dirty and share some laughs with their co-workers. “We all had a great time spending time together and being outside. It was a fun experience and we were happy to contribute to the park in some way”, said a volunteer.