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Become a Brooklyn Bridge Park Citizen Scientist!

by Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy 

Brooklyn Bridge Park is a thriving ecosystem, full of diverse wildlife and plants. We’re interested in knowing what species YOU see during your next visit to the Park!

The upcoming City Nature Challenge–a nationwide competition, from April 14 to April 18–will be the perfect opportunity to do just that. Sixteen US cities are asking residents and visitors to join the citizen science movement, and record flora and fauna findings using the iNaturalist app.

Getting a comprehensive species record in large regions such as Brooklyn Bridge Park, or the whole of New York City is a huge undertaking. That is why citizen science–any project or activity where members of the general public help to collect or analyze data–and crowd-sourced science projects have become increasingly popular.

How can you participate? It is simple! First, download the iNaturalist app on your phone or visit to create an account. Search and join the project page Brooklyn Bridge Park Biodiversity so that you can add and share your findings with the Brooklyn Bridge Park community.

When you find something in nature you wish to document simply follow these steps:

1. Open the app and click on the observe button.

2. Next, you will be brought to a screen to take a picture of your observation, or add a photo already saved on your phone.

3. Now add some details about your findings–date, time, GPS location, etc. If you know the species you saw, you can select it. If not, no worries! The iNaturalist community includes knowledgeable scientists, experienced nature enthusiasts, and even Brooklyn Bridge Park gardeners and educators who will help properly identify your finding.

4. Don’t forget to add your observation to the Brooklyn Bridge Park project page. With the biodiversity in the Park ever-increasing, we need the help of citizen scientists like you to document all the incredible organisms making Brooklyn Bridge Park their home.

All observations made within the NYC area and posted between April 14 and April 18 will automatically be added to the competition tally and City Nature Challenge project page. You can even check for live updates on the Leaderboard throughout the week to see which city is in the lead.

The City Nature Challenge is only for a few days, but you can contribute observations to the Brooklyn Bridge Park project 365 days a year. Grab your phone and head to the Park to begin your own nature adventure!


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